Paula Te

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“Vocabulary 3d modeling additive + subractive, experts know how to do it in their head, it’s like democratizing 3d modeling.” - visitor, Intel

Valby Fablab

“We teach 2d coordinates, x, y, height, and we teach volume, but not in 3d.” - 6th grade teacher

“Minecraft works because it is visual. With blender and solid works, there is so much vocabulary.” - Thomas, FabLab Assistant

Mike, Autodesk

“Taking the keyboard out of the interface, all these gestures and interactions are constrained to two fingers - now that kids use trackpads”

“What kids want to build, never thought of that angle.”

“This gets kids engaged.”

Defining Systematic Creativity, Lego

“Creativity builds a grammar of a particular community - master builder…”

“Be spontaneous: start off with a rather clean slate instead of implementing all the knowledge about potential learning tasks and goals in the program right from the start.”

“Stimulate the relevant mindsets behind the process – curiosity, mental readiness, confidence, positive framing and commitment – so that it is possible for individuals to become self-directed in their learning and creativity, and more likely to achieve the ‘Flow’ state of intense, rewarding engagement”

“For this to happen, there should be a balance between challenge and ability, as well as between stability and change, in order to create optimal conditions for self-directed learning and creativity.”